Zero-Copy Reads

Imagine a simple server retrieving files from disk (e.g. CDN, file server, object storage ). A naive implemntation looks roughly like

func getFile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    path := strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/get-file/")
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, "File not found", 404)

	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")

Simple enough, but on a low-level it’s doing alot:

  1. Request the kernel to load the data from disk to a kernel buffer
  2. Read from kernel buffer to user space.
  3. Write the data from user space back to the socket’s buffer (within w.Write)
  4. Independently, the kernel will write the data from the socket’s buffer to the NIC’s buffer.

When len(data) <= sizeof(kernel buffer), this actually helps as an optimistic readahead cache (see link), but as len(data) gets increasingly large, all we get is additional CPU overhead and context switches.

This is the value of zero-copy reads. Instead of multiple buffers and passing data into and out of user space: read data into a single kernel space buffer and pass it directly to the NIC buffer (by adding the buffer’s descriptor to the socket buffer). This achieves:

  1. Keep operations and buffers entirely in kernel space.
  2. Reduce number of reads, remove all copies.

Apache Arrow

  • Columnar, in-memory data format
    • Data adjacency for scans
    • O(1) random access
    • SIMD and vectorisation friendly (from columnar nature and O(1) access)
    • Zero-copy without pointer swizzling.
  • Standardisation format across databases, frameworks and languages
  • Data representation of a database/data table is in batches:
    • Parallel read/write
    • heterogenous and multiple data sources for a data table (i.e. each source has own batches)

Apache Flight

Client-server framework for Arrow

  • Arrow is an “on-the-wire” representation; doesn’t require deserialization when used over the network
  • Since Arrow is batch-native, can easily stream in parallel, and from multiple sources.
  • Optimised gRPC implementation for improved Protobuf wire format serialisation/deserialisation
    • Performance improvements whilst maintaining interoperability with standard gRPC clients + servers.
  • Support for parallel and partitioned data access.
    • Use a coordinator node to get an “access plan” for the full dataset, which returns data like
              "endpoint": "localhost:8000",
              "ticket": "751ba1be-87f2-44da-8eb3-f1405d14e66d"
              "endpoint": "",
              "ticket": "789a3ccc-da7b-464c-8bc9-e4f10ce226c9"
    • Client call each endpoints which understand what data to return based on ticket.
    • No unnecessary data transport
    • Parallel data transfer
    • Heterogenous data sources/access
  • Out of box SSL encrypthon (from gRPC)
  • Extensible authentication handling
  • gRPC has the concept of “interceptors” for middleware